Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well, I had a good one yesterday. Nothing extra special happened, but a lot of little things.
  • I found a decorated cupcake waiting for me when I got to work.
  • There were tons of messages wishing me a great day/year on facebook and in my email.
  • There was a card from my church in the day's mail.
  • My husband took me out for a nice dinner.
For a birthday that I wanted to ignore, this one turned out pretty good. And last Sunday my brother and sister took me to lunch along with two of my bestest friends.

I guess birthdays are ok after all.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bad Days

Well, my sister says that if it starts bad, it stays bad. She's right. It began with my sleeping past the alarm, running out of the house later than normal, and falling just 30 feet from my office. Two skinned knees and a ruined pair of pants later I made it to work. Then there was about 20 minutes of  total chaos wherein my boss and I both decided to not mention the other's clothing. (Coffee does not go with dress shirts.) It kept going as the phone kept bringing me problems and obstacles to jump over. Add that to the fact that my sugar is still way too high despite the insulin dosage being upped from an initial 10 units to 25 units. And very little sleep last night.
Some days are just bad.
But they pass, as this one will. And I get to go home to my messy but warm house and pets who love me. And my husband. It could be worse.
God is good.