Saturday, July 9, 2005


I love flowers and one time sprinkled a few four-o'clock seeds around. They are now coming up everywhere! The smell is fresh, sweet and beautiful, although they do have a tendency to take over! These are close up shots of individual flowers. The size of each one is about 1 1/2 inches.

We also have roses, geraniums and various flowering vines.

This is an actual untouched photo - it was shot against the white backdrop of the house and startled even me when I saw how it came out. Variety "Double Delight".

These geraniums were already here when we moved in - just the kind my husband wanted!

These little flowers are on a vine that grows along one fence - no idea what it is but the flowers have a sweet scent and are tiny - about 1/4 of an inch!

My Choir

We have a small group, but they love the Lord and love to sing!

Left to right, Mary Eliott, Ana Maria Aguilar, Kim Woods, Richard Elliott and Lora Sotelo.

We are accompanied by John McAllister, one of the finest keyboardists in existence.

Friday, July 8, 2005

My Yard

My husband and I have a large back yard with lots of bushes and vines. One year we planted a tiny christmas tree, which died soon after. We tried two more times and now have a large, round pine tree in the middle of both our front and back yards!

We also have a lemon tree which is overgrown with very large lemons. We call the "lemonzilla".

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

New Songs

Been trying out some new praise songs, first on the choir, then the congregation. Seems to be working - a few more hallelujahs lately. I guess sometimes I simply pick music that toughes my soul, and hope it touches the others as well. It's hard to know what is the correct thing, so I just let the Spirit move me.

God is good.