Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I'm really fond of a song we've been doing this month at my church called "Trading My Sorrows". It's not that easy to sing, and our congregation being a mature one is having difficulty with it. But I keep on singing it. Why? Because we need to learn it, we need to embrace the words.

We had one member who used to choose her songs by the words; she rarely knew what it sounded like before she'd rehearse, but she knew she liked the words.

That's how it is with this song. I am trading my sorrows and pain for the Lord's joy. His joy is so much better.

I admit that sometimes when I'm leading the worship songs I get so into the song that I forget that there are people trying to follow my lead. I'm singing to God and the congregation seems to disappear for a moment. Then I'll realize where I am and the moment is lost. But, man, while it lasted, it was a great moment.

That's what worship should be - nobody there but you and God.

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