Sunday, July 1, 2007

Order of Service

Well, the service began on time, and that was the last thing that went according to plan. First Pastor asked everyone to share one blessing from the week - which even in our small group takes time. Then about the time the sermon should have started, we began the actual service. I kept the praise and lost the hymns, forgot all about making any announcements, and then turned it over to the Assistant Pastor for the morning prayer. After that we went right into the sermon.

It was wonderful. So we ran over a little. That is not unusual. That Pastor almost forgot communion is odd, but with a little reminder it went on just fine. And then we had a BBQ on the patio to honor all those having birthdays this month. It was a good Sunday. It was HOT. But it was a good Sunday.

And it was Worship. We all forgot going through the usual motions and simply let it flow, led by the Spirit. Worship. Every church ought to try it sometime.

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