Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Finally, Good News

The blood test results are in - the virus is undetectable! That means the treatment is working and John will be cured of this nasty Hepatitis C! Thank God. If we had to go through all this hell for nothing, well, it would not be a good thing. Knowing it is working helps, a little. It's still rough in the middle of the night, and the physical and emotional pain is still there, but at least we know it is not for nothing.
I am so glad that all the suffering that John is currently going through will at least have a good outcome. To see him hurting, or so tired he can hardly lift his head is rough, and we have almost five more months to go, but we can at least see that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. Cured. What a wonderful word. What a miracle. What a God thing. Hallelujah!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

another thing

Do you remember the old Saturday Night Live sketches with Roseanne Rosannadanna? I loved her spots, Gilda Radner was a master of comedy. Her tag line for these sketches was "if it ain't one thing, it's another". Well, it's another thing. While John and I are enjoying a renewed life, our Pastor is facing cancer surgery. George is one of those people who look big and mean, yet are truly a teddy bear. He is one of the sweetest, most caring individuals I've ever met. And he internalizes everything.

Well, at least God didn't make us go through both things at once. But like Roseanne, or rather her father, always used to say, "if it ain't one thing, it's another."

Another opportunity for prayer, and a chance to strengthen our faith.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

What a Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday morning I felt as if my life was over, this morning I felt like I had a chance at living again. Amazing what a little "meltdown" can do for a person. It seems like there will be hills and valleys while John is going through this treatment. The problem is, the valleys are deeper than crap, while the hills are about ant sized. :-)

Ok, enough self-pity for this week (I'm being honest). I truly love my husband and wouldn't trade him in for anyone else. I've actually had an actor that I had a crush on in my teen years in my office. Inches away from me, smiling at me. And all I could think about was John. Isn't it amazing. When I get into those nasty dark depressions, I need to remember that. I think that I have discovered it isn't my faith in God that will get me through this - that is unwavering and would be with me even if John and I weren't together. What will enable me to stick this out is my love for John. We are doing this so that John will have a longer life without the shadow of Hepatitis C hovering over him. Sometimes you have to go throught what seems like hell to reach heaven.

Well, John is worth that journey.