Thursday, November 5, 2009


We read in Luke 15 the story of the prodigal son. Like most people I have never understood that story. Oh, I know that Jesus was trying to see that God accepts us back no matter how bad we've been, that we are rewarded in heaven because of his love and not our own works. But, and it is a big but, I have always felt sorry for the son who stayed behind and  did everything right, only to see his slacker brother celebrated.
Everyday I experience a taste of what the older brother must have felt. I've worked at my job for ten years and often see others get the awards and raises - knowing full well that they are really slackers. It is quite annoying to have to congratulate a co-worker for receiving our quarterly award for excellence, knowing that I worked twice as hard helping them out.
However, it was pointed out to me that the real trouble with the older brother is that he was not happy for his brother's return, only resentful. So, searching myself I realized that the awards others recieve do not take away from me, they aren't against me, rather simply for the other person. And mow I am truly glad when others do get recognized; sometimes it is the encouragement they need to do better.
Oh, and I did finally get the big award after all. Not only recognition, but it also involves a cash bonus. I received it just when I returned after my husband's heart surgery - which came with lots of medical expenses.
Everything in God's own time. :-)

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