Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Moon

See that photo at the top of my blog? Pretty good, isn’t it? Beautiful views of the craters Copernicus and Plato, and several others. Nice shading on the terminator that really helps you to see the curve of the moon's limb. Not quite full on the night it was taken. If you know your lunar surface you can even pick out Deslandres basin and the small crater named Hell after a Brittish preacher. I'm quite proud of this shot. Yep, I took it  myself by holding my camera lens up to the eyepiece of my telescope. Not too bad, huh?
The God who made the moon in the first place is not too bad, either. He made a beautiful ball of rock for me to look at and photograph. We live in a very beautiful and exciting universe. Too bad that not enough people spend time just looking at it.
2010 is coming. Spend at least a small part of it looking up.

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