Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Animals and love

My faith was really tested recently when both my dog and cat became ill. For poor Maggie dog it was another bladder infection, not unusual for older females. A trip to the vet, some antibiotics and she was fine. A week later she got another blood test and things were good. Then less than a week later the cat starts acting funny. Quiet, not eating much, losing weight. Within two days we were worried. Another trip to the vet and we have our choice between major $$$ surgery or euthanasia. At least that was how it sounded when we left the vet. Some kind of intestinal obstruction. Anything from a hairball to a cancerous tumor. Let's see in a week; maybe an ultrasound to augment the X-ray. Well, I chose prayer for my beloved Mr. Katz. One week later, a big hairball came up. Within two days Katz was back to his normal self.

Why is it that pets can tug at our hearts so? What purpose did God have for them? Are the animals here to teach us how to love? Maybe so. I've seen people change because of a dearly loved pet. My husband is one of them. He owes what love he is able to show today to a mean old dog named Speedy. Speedy was the first person to offer unconditional love to John. Yes, I said person. Some animals are better people than people. And some people are nastier animals than ... well you get the point.

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