Saturday, May 25, 2013

I Like Our President

Things in this country are pretty lousy if you listen to all the naysayers. Our President is trying to turn us into Muslims. Our government is involved in a conspiracy to take over the country. They want to take our guns away and hold us hostage under martial law. The rich have put our economy into the tank.

Get real. Our President is a Christian, by choice. Our government can't even balance a budget or agree on what to have for lunch - I doubt they could come together enough to draft a conspiracy, let alone pull it off. Take away our guns? Well, most of us don't own one anyway, and those that do really don't need an arsenal, do they? Nobody is suggesting that we totally disarm. As to the economy, look at the world economy, we aren't the only ones in trouble. In fact, we are much better off than half of Europe. You can't blame Obama for that - besides, it all started under Bush. No, you can't put all the blame on him, either.

It is so easy to blame others, or find conspiracies working against us, much easier than looking in the mirror. If the country is a mess it's because too many people spend their time complaining about it, and tearing it down, instead of praising the good we do and helping to build up our country.

I admit, even though I voted for him the second time, I was not a fan of Bush. (Either Bush, really.) But I did not post nasty cartoons about him, or make statements about the awful things he did. Nor did I forward emails calling him nasty names. What I did do was pray for him - every day - and supported the office and all of the decisions made. Even those I personally opposed.

I would like you to think of something. Everytime you post something against our President, or our government, what you are really doing is cheering for the other side. I am sure that Al Queda and the like celebrate each time a "patriotic American" posts a nasty jibe against Obama. If you truly dislike something that the President, or Congress, or any of our elected officials are doing then tell them, don't broadcast it to the world. If you are brave enough to post that thought on the internet, then you should be brave enough to say it directly to the person it discusses. If you can't see them face to face then call them on the phone - our elected officials all have voice mail and someone to listen to it. Or send them a note - either buy the US Postal Service, or an email. Or even a fax.

As for me, I like our President. He is not perfect, but none of them were. I remember all the way back to Eisenhower. They have all had flaws, and they have all made mistakes. But each one of them has been President of the United States and deserves the respect of that office.

God bless America.

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