Saturday, May 12, 2007

Lazy Saturdays

Well, it's another Saturday. Slept really late and haven't done much but laundry. Lazy Saturdays are the best. My mood is rather somber today. Guess I worry too much about what is going to happen, but having faith doesn't mean you don't worry. It means that when you do worry you also know when to stop and not obsess. And you now who will take care of things ultimately. I'm not sure how I would cope if I didn't have my faith in Jesus.

Next week we go to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the annual Open House. It's one of our favorite things - we went to our first one shortly after John and I began dating. Odd, but I feel really connected to God at these things. How can you see the magnificence of his creation without seeing Him?

Faith is a hard thing to explain. If you have faith then it needs no explanation, bu tif you do not have faith then you cannot understand it. Many of the folks who work at JPL have faith, and the rest just look at them as if they are nuts. It's ok. God will explain it to the others someday.

Well, time to take care of the laundry. :-)

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