Friday, October 8, 2010


O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. ~Psalm 51:15

Praise the Lord! How often do you say that? How often do you really thank Him for everything? Does everything that comes from your mouth glorify God? Probably not, after all, we are human.

So does this Psalm mean that we are to continually be shouting out “Praise God”? No not really. Then what does it mean to show (shew) forth God’s praise?

Well, I think it means much more than we imagine. It does mean letting loose with a Praise God, or Amen when you feel like it – no matter who can hear you. It also means a “good morning’ to that stranger on the street. Or smiling and saying God bless you to the man begging for money, even if you can’t or won’t give him anything. Praising God is making sure that whatever comes out of your mouth is uplifting, not hurtful or wicked. It does not mean getting angry, but it does mean not screaming profanities at someone because of that anger.

Think of your mouth as God’s mouth – imagine that he is saying whatever it is that you say. Like the catch phrase “what would Jesus do?” think instead “what would Jesus say?” Your mouth is one opening to the temple of the Holy Spirit of your body, try no to let unclean things come out of it.

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