Friday, November 4, 2011


November. The month of giving thanks and electing politicians. Wow, does that seem like two opposite things. Well, maybe not. Our elections are one of the things we should be most thankful for. Although I am already tired of the campaigning, I am also quite grateful that I live in a country where we can have political campaigns. Look at what happened recently in Libya. They got tired of the leader, they killed him. Done deal. Pretty harsh way to deal with a situation, but then it was a pretty harsh situation. Whether you like our current President or not, you have to admit that it is much better system than a dictatorship.

            Whoever wins next year’s election I pray that they will be given more of a chance than President Obama was in his first term. It seems as if barely two weeks had passed before folks were complaining about how nothing had changed. After 8 years of  crap, Obama was given 2 weeks? It doesn’t happen that way. And so many were quick to fuss about the war in the mid-east as if Obama had started it. Surprise, people, this one was started way back with Isaac and Ishmael. Don’t blame the President, any of the Presidents. Politicians are human, remember, not magicians.

            The latest thing that gets my goat, so to speak, is the fussing about Mitt Romney being a Mormon. Well, guess what, that isn’t the same as being a disciple of Satan. Mormons, most Mormons, are Christians. Really. They worship just like the rest of us. They sing the same hymns, read the same Bible. (No, the Book of Mormon is not the Bible.) Ok, so they add quite a few extras into their beliefs, but the basic beliefs are the same. Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, was buried and then rose 3 days later to ascend to the Father in heaven.

            That’s what I was taught in Primary class. Yep, I was raised a Mormon. My mother’s side is Mormon as far back as you can trace. My siblings were baptized into it, and my brother even went through the “Priesthood”. My grandmother went through the Temple and was buried in her Temple garments. But we were and are Christians.

            I’m not sure if I’ll vote for Romney should he get the nomination or not, but I do know that it won’t be because of his religious affiliation. I will vote for whoever God puts in on my heart to vote for. And I believe that whoever gets the position will be the one that God has ordained.

            And that is one thing I am very thankful for. God bless the USA.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God

 the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13

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