Saturday, May 25, 2013

I Like Our President

Things in this country are pretty lousy if you listen to all the naysayers. Our President is trying to turn us into Muslims. Our government is involved in a conspiracy to take over the country. They want to take our guns away and hold us hostage under martial law. The rich have put our economy into the tank.

Get real. Our President is a Christian, by choice. Our government can't even balance a budget or agree on what to have for lunch - I doubt they could come together enough to draft a conspiracy, let alone pull it off. Take away our guns? Well, most of us don't own one anyway, and those that do really don't need an arsenal, do they? Nobody is suggesting that we totally disarm. As to the economy, look at the world economy, we aren't the only ones in trouble. In fact, we are much better off than half of Europe. You can't blame Obama for that - besides, it all started under Bush. No, you can't put all the blame on him, either.

It is so easy to blame others, or find conspiracies working against us, much easier than looking in the mirror. If the country is a mess it's because too many people spend their time complaining about it, and tearing it down, instead of praising the good we do and helping to build up our country.

I admit, even though I voted for him the second time, I was not a fan of Bush. (Either Bush, really.) But I did not post nasty cartoons about him, or make statements about the awful things he did. Nor did I forward emails calling him nasty names. What I did do was pray for him - every day - and supported the office and all of the decisions made. Even those I personally opposed.

I would like you to think of something. Everytime you post something against our President, or our government, what you are really doing is cheering for the other side. I am sure that Al Queda and the like celebrate each time a "patriotic American" posts a nasty jibe against Obama. If you truly dislike something that the President, or Congress, or any of our elected officials are doing then tell them, don't broadcast it to the world. If you are brave enough to post that thought on the internet, then you should be brave enough to say it directly to the person it discusses. If you can't see them face to face then call them on the phone - our elected officials all have voice mail and someone to listen to it. Or send them a note - either buy the US Postal Service, or an email. Or even a fax.

As for me, I like our President. He is not perfect, but none of them were. I remember all the way back to Eisenhower. They have all had flaws, and they have all made mistakes. But each one of them has been President of the United States and deserves the respect of that office.

God bless America.

Friday, March 29, 2013

My Take on the Pope, Gay Marriage, and Sin

Been thinking a lot about the title of this post, well, not as a title but as a topic. Then the new Pope was elected, and this week the Supreme Court began to look at California's Proposition 8, and the Defense of Marriage Act. Now, I figured, was the time to get this written down.

First, the new Pope. My not being a Catholic it probably shouldn't matter to me one way or the other, but he is a very important person in the world, both spiritually and politically. Whether you care or not, the Pope does head a very large and very influential denomination, and a small country/city/state as well. He is a world leader. He seems rather humble and down-to-earth. (Foot-washing!)  I expect that he will ruffle a few feathers at the Vatican with his love of simplicity. I also expect that he will draw the attention of a few non-Catholics. Golly, maybe even get a few Christians to think more about Christ. So far the only opinion of his I’ve disagreed with is his stand on gay marriage. So far.

Which brings me to number two: gay marriage. Now I am not going into all of the reasons that I feel marriage should be strictly defined. Bestiality, incest, polygamy, and any other oddities or variations can be dealt with another time. The truth is that most people who have objections to a same sex couple are simply uncomfortable with it, and consider it to be a sin.

This brings me to number three: sin. On that basis alone we have no right to tell any adult that they cannot marry. (If we do so, then we must also make divorce and remarriage illegal.) By strictly defined Biblical terms that is just as sinful. (Polygamy is not.) Face it, we cannot legislate morality. And even if we could, whose standard do we use? As a Christian I have one set of standards or morals, and yet other Christians might have different ones. What about Muslims? I’m sure they would have far stricter rules than mine; even Jews have different sets of rules. No work on the Sabbath for instance. Who is to say which standards we should use? Most of our laws are to protect us and to provide order in a chaotic world. They are not necessarily moral definitions.

That being said, I am fortunate enough to have several gay friends, and have been around gays since childhood. Yes, there was a time I was uncomfortable with it, I still have my moments. But I have also known gay couples that have had far stronger – and more faithful – marriages than my straight friends. Where is the harm in that? Immoral? By whose standards? Like I said, you can’t legislate morality. And you can’t legislate love, either.

Maybe this new Pope is a sign from God. Maybe He is trying to tell us to stop judging everyone else’s morals and look at our own. Are you humble? Are you a servant to others? Are you truly loving of your fellow human?

I’ll leave that to all of you. I prefer not to judge others, lest I am judged by others 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Be Wary of the Beast

I suppose I should have been alerted by the phone number displayed on my screen when I looked to see who was calling me this morning. ***\666\****. Okay, so I'm not one of those fundamentalist knee-jerk Christians who see the devil everywhere, but I am a bit suspicious of some things. The number 666 is one of them. Most people would request another number if offered one that included those infamous digits.

But, hey, I need a job, no problem. so I ignored it. I spoke with a heavily accented woman who told me that Mr. Khadivian had seen my resume on CareerBuilder and wanted to offer me a position at Bankers. I asked if it was selling insurance (I get tons of those offers) and she said that they were an insurance company but I would be a manager. Would I be supervising the sales reps? Never got more than a giggle from her. Well, maybe she's being vague because she really doesn't know. I need a job. So, I make the appointment for tomorrow morning at 10:00. Be early, she says, Mr. Khadiavian is very busy. Fine, I thought. Isn't everybody. But I agreed. I did ask about parking (a major concern here in the Valley). No problem, she tells me, we are in the US Bank building. Great, a parking lot. She agreed to send the details in an email and we ended the call.

I then hit google to check this place out. First it was hard to find any mention of the "main office" in North Hollywood that I would be going to, but I did see that Bankers was a very large nationwide company. With tons of complaints. Oops. Still, I had made the appointment and would follow through with it. Called my husband to let him know. Told my siblings to pray for me.

Then the email arrived. Dress business. Of course. Be Prepared. Naturally. Expect to spend at least 2 hours. Whoops. Interviews do not take that long. Free parking is available on the side streets. On the residential streets? What happened to the parking lot? More web searching. More complaints.

It seems that this wonderful offer is the usual mode of operations for this particular company. What apparently happens is that they call a lot of people, offer them positions to match the skills on their resumes, and the when the masses arrive to the "presentation" they are offered more interviews at which they are convinced to become an independent agent for Bankers.

The old bait and switch. Too bad that there are so many wolves in sheeps' taking advantage of a lousy economy. The good news (and it is the Good News!) is that the Lord's sheep are not as innocent as they appear. A good lesson learned; take nothing in this world at face value.

No wonder so many have trouble accepting Jesus' offer. Eternal life and all I have to do is accept it? I get it for free? (well, Jesus paid for it). He is the only thing that can be taken at face value. The only thing that sounds too good to be true - but is. Jesus gave his life on the cross for you. As we prepare to celebrate Easter, make sure that you have received the best gift of all, not a chocolate bunny, but a risen Savior. Hallelujah!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Soundtrack of Our LIfe

Here I sit, mid-May of 2012 listening to the Bee Gees. Flash back to 1977. No, even further. While most people can make a listing of songs that outline their memories, I will bet that few can use the music of one group for most of it. I'm one of those few. If you asked me what songs define my life's memories, Bee Gees songs would probably be eight out of ten of them. And not just the 70's and 80's. Me and the brothers go way back. All the way to 1967 with "New York Mining Disaster 1941" up through 2001 and "This is Where I Came In".
As you can imagine, I was quite saddened when I read of Robin Gibb's death yesterday. Another Gibb brother gone, much too soon. There was Andy back in 1988, then Maurice in 2003, and now Robin. A part of my history is gone. And as I sit writing this I can remember so many times, so many people whom I associate with the music. For instance, "Words" the song on now, reminds me of an old boyfriend from school; he used to sing this one to me. Badly :-) And then there are the disco years, just out of High School full of dreams ... and the music followed along. Sweet memories.

Friday, November 4, 2011


November. The month of giving thanks and electing politicians. Wow, does that seem like two opposite things. Well, maybe not. Our elections are one of the things we should be most thankful for. Although I am already tired of the campaigning, I am also quite grateful that I live in a country where we can have political campaigns. Look at what happened recently in Libya. They got tired of the leader, they killed him. Done deal. Pretty harsh way to deal with a situation, but then it was a pretty harsh situation. Whether you like our current President or not, you have to admit that it is much better system than a dictatorship.

            Whoever wins next year’s election I pray that they will be given more of a chance than President Obama was in his first term. It seems as if barely two weeks had passed before folks were complaining about how nothing had changed. After 8 years of  crap, Obama was given 2 weeks? It doesn’t happen that way. And so many were quick to fuss about the war in the mid-east as if Obama had started it. Surprise, people, this one was started way back with Isaac and Ishmael. Don’t blame the President, any of the Presidents. Politicians are human, remember, not magicians.

            The latest thing that gets my goat, so to speak, is the fussing about Mitt Romney being a Mormon. Well, guess what, that isn’t the same as being a disciple of Satan. Mormons, most Mormons, are Christians. Really. They worship just like the rest of us. They sing the same hymns, read the same Bible. (No, the Book of Mormon is not the Bible.) Ok, so they add quite a few extras into their beliefs, but the basic beliefs are the same. Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, was buried and then rose 3 days later to ascend to the Father in heaven.

            That’s what I was taught in Primary class. Yep, I was raised a Mormon. My mother’s side is Mormon as far back as you can trace. My siblings were baptized into it, and my brother even went through the “Priesthood”. My grandmother went through the Temple and was buried in her Temple garments. But we were and are Christians.

            I’m not sure if I’ll vote for Romney should he get the nomination or not, but I do know that it won’t be because of his religious affiliation. I will vote for whoever God puts in on my heart to vote for. And I believe that whoever gets the position will be the one that God has ordained.

            And that is one thing I am very thankful for. God bless the USA.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God

 the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13

Friday, October 8, 2010


O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. ~Psalm 51:15

Praise the Lord! How often do you say that? How often do you really thank Him for everything? Does everything that comes from your mouth glorify God? Probably not, after all, we are human.

So does this Psalm mean that we are to continually be shouting out “Praise God”? No not really. Then what does it mean to show (shew) forth God’s praise?

Well, I think it means much more than we imagine. It does mean letting loose with a Praise God, or Amen when you feel like it – no matter who can hear you. It also means a “good morning’ to that stranger on the street. Or smiling and saying God bless you to the man begging for money, even if you can’t or won’t give him anything. Praising God is making sure that whatever comes out of your mouth is uplifting, not hurtful or wicked. It does not mean getting angry, but it does mean not screaming profanities at someone because of that anger.

Think of your mouth as God’s mouth – imagine that he is saying whatever it is that you say. Like the catch phrase “what would Jesus do?” think instead “what would Jesus say?” Your mouth is one opening to the temple of the Holy Spirit of your body, try no to let unclean things come out of it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Changing emails

In the process of getting rid of earthlink which means we lose our website, and have to notify everyone of the change. More of a hassle than I ever thought. Good reason to use a non-specific address like a yahoo or gmail.